Feast your eyes on the AIA|LA 2018 Restaurant Design Award-winning projects
By Justine Testado|
Monday, Apr 9, 2018
Honoring the best restaurant interior design in L.A.'s diverse food scene and beyond, the AIA|LA 2018 Restaurant Design Awards have concluded with the announcement of the winners!
Out of 12 competitive finalists, four winners were selected in three categories: Restaurant, Cafe/Bars, and Lounge/Nightclub. The winners of the RDA People's Choice Awards and an honorable mention were also revealed. Check 'em out below.
Category: Restaurant

Frida Restaurant, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Designed by: Ezequiel Farca + Cristina Grappin
Jury Comments: This project was a study in materiality. You don’t see the typical material palate. | We were struck with the stone they used at the bar and how that actually works with the contrasting stone of the floor. It runs up the side of the bar—that was a beautiful highlight. | It works well as a holistic project: the unification here, the architectural tie-ins, the pattern of the ceiling that is echoed in the pattern of the tile present a cohesive quality. | What really stood out was the architectural detail on the ceiling and the way that it was executed with the wood joists.

ATX Cocina, Austin, TX. Designed by: Michael Hsu Office of Architecture
Jury Comments: This project presented design harmony—in all aspects and throughout. From the material palate to the color palate, and just the way the space were arranged, even the selection of furniture. | This is one of the projects that really attempted to customize every aspect of the space. The ceiling detailing—it’s a pretty spectacular portion of the project, and, not only the curved ceiling, but even its flat portion realized a high amount of detail. | The red, this bold hue—the blue as well: this is Texas. | There are forty different items that are actually detailed, but they work together as a single project.
Category: Cafe/Bars

Jugo, Austin, TX. Designed by: Michael Hsu Office of Architecture
Jury Comments: This project really starts at the entrance with the door handle, the pink wrapped metal. Right from the start you get a sense of levity and something different. | We appreciate the subtlety of every detail. When you look at each one separately it’s not significant but when put together in this tiny space, the architect really used the details to make this space sing. | It’s also an experiment in contrasts, but it still remains very subtle and tastefully done. The neutral tones of materials balanced by bright pops of color. The heaviness and finished quality of the marble counter top against the rustic wood base. | We liked the pink wrapped shelves—a very fun sort of playful use of color in the midst of a very simple color palate in the rest of the design.
Category: Lounge/Nightclub

Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse LAX, Los Angeles, CA Designed by: Slade Architecture
Jury Comments: Typically a project done with so many inferences to mid-century modern design would feel dated—whereas this feels fresh. | The details are taken beyond just the furniture and the sense of colors – the shapes actually feel contemporary even though they are clearly a riff off Saarinen or his ilk. | The treatment of every surface—from the way the ceiling slopes up gradually to the lights, the way the bar counter curves gently in on itself lend a contemporary aspect to the project. | This is a good interpretation of mid-century made modern. It feels youthful, and it is Virgin so it should have that sort of dynamic energy.
Honorable Mention - Restaurant

Born & Raised, San Diego, CA. Designed by: BASILE Studio
Jury Comments: There was so much attention to detail. We want to recognize that there was a lot of effort and design that went into the execution of this project. | This really is sort of, over the top, all about luxury and the quality of materials and the craftsmanship which pulls it all together.
People's Choice Award Winners

People's Choice Award - Lounge/Nightclub category: Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse LAX, Los Angeles, CA Designed by: Slade Architecture (pictured above)

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